crista bailey
3 min readAug 27, 2020


“All you Black folks, you must go
All you Mexicans, you must go
And all you poor folks, you must go
Muslims and gays
Boy, we hate your ways
So all you bad folks, you must go” — A Tribe Called Quest

I know and hope we all have more in common than memes, conventions, and political soundbites would have us believe. The propaganda that has continued to spew from the mouth of a Reality TV celebrity (and his disciples) hoodwinking a ton of people is disheartening. Both the spewing and the hoodwinking. Americans aren’t bad. But bad leadership does weird things to good people. That guy. is darkness. His reality TV production this week is his shining moment to spread his lies and make you fear. And he is great at that. No party or human is perfect. But this one, this year, is pretty imperfect. Trump IS the Republican party. That is a shame. Just today, hundreds of former Bush and McCain aides joined other previous Republicans publicly endorsing Biden for President. I would ask anyone reading this to individually consider a more humane, caring, experienced choice. And if you identify as Republican, please work to take your party back — but don’t give up and give into this — because I’m not sure where we return to if he has 4 more years to spew, divide and flex his muscles. Sure, some of you/us don’t agree with Biden, Harris on a lot or a little, but let’s start with character and honesty, on human rights and environmental concerns (as the redwood forests burn and the gulf stream waters rumble — thanks Woody Guthrie and @Dave Pell) Let’s get through the presidential election and all strive to be good, active, productive citizens and ritualize contact with our city, state and national legislators to create the change we want to see in a functioning democracy.

Below are a few things seen and heard these past 3.5 years and in this week’s fear mongering, thanks Jamie Grossman for sharing some of this & letting me tweak. Don’t let him divide us. Dig deep.

-Disband police departments? Hate the police? No, that’s a lie. Let’s weed out racism and hold accountable those who abuse their power.

-Release all prisoners? No, that’s a lie. Let’s weed out racism and ensure punishments match crimes.

-Open borders? No, that’s a lie. Let’s give asylum seekers a chance to seek asylum. Let’s try to help people who are coming from unimaginable terror and poverty & offer them the chances we have. Let’s not separate children from their parents or put anyone in cages.

-Take away your guns? No, that’s a lie. Let’s pass common sense gun laws to help prevent mass shootings. in schools. in churches. etc.

-Wage a war on Christianity and Christian values? No, that’s a lie. Just let people of all religions be able to practice and worship freely.

-Get everything for free? No, that’s a lie. Let’s work hard and make sure that healthcare and education are affordable for all.

-Engage in war against traditional marriage? No, that’s a lie. Let people be able to love freely, no matter whom you love.

-Destroy or rewrite history? No, that’s a lie. Let’s recognize the ugly parts of our past and do everything we can to say “that’s not okay, let’s not honor those aggressors, let’s not let those things happen again”.

-Take away your constitutional rights? No, that’s a lie. Let’s believe science and wear masks and try to prevent the spread of this disease.

-Hate America? No, that’s a lie. It’s OK to recognize our faults and commit to do better, to strive to be a more perfect union.

Funny, for evangelicals, I would think that Jesus would definitely be on Trump’s **** list in today’s time. It’s worth noting Billy Graham’s granddaughter’s post today in USA Today.

68 days until November 3rd. Make them count. Make calls. Write postcards. Get out the vote. Be kind. Be considerate.

Give to Biden Harris campaign here.

And I will always plug my TX HDCC — let’s turn Texas blue. Donate!

Feel free to reach out if you want more ideas on getting involved, or if you want to discuss above. I’m learning. Full disclaimer — I don’t identify with any one party. I voted for Nader in 2000 while living in CA — Green/trees/clean air/clean water has always made my heart beat a little faster. So has kindness, empathy, love, consideration, human rights… .

Peace. Take care.



crista bailey

Woke last night to the sound of thunder. How far off i sat and wondered.